Open Arms? Open Eyes! Power, Control and Abuse in Teen Relationships

Catalogue Number: 600408
Producer: Human Relations Media
Producing Agencies: Human Relations Media
Subject: Guidance
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 2007
Running Time: 27:18
Closed Captions: Yes
This award-winning, 28-minute video identifies the warning signs in teen relationships that set the stage for adult domestic violence. A great discussion starter, it is based on real scenarios and dialogue suggested by teenagers themselves. It features high school students and locations, and is an excellent resource for raising student awareness about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Dramatizes specific issues of power and control among teens, to help them spot the signs and avoid the corrosive effects of abusive relationships. To that end, there are 25 "red flags" displayed throughout the video to assist in the awareness of violent behavior patterns in dating relationships.
Includes resource guide.
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