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Home / The Pacific Empire Part 1 - Ancient Mariners: Empire Builders Series 2

The Pacific Empire Part 1 - Ancient Mariners: Empire Builders Series 2

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This title is a part of the series Empire Builders Series 2

Catalogue Number:  555045
Producer:  Pilot Productions
Producers:  Cross, Ian
Directors:  Cross, Ian
Producing Agencies:  Pilot Film and TV Productions
Subject:  Archaeology, Architecture, Arts, Canadian World Studies, Documentary, Global Studies, History, Indigenous Peoples, Religious Studies, Social Sciences, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  United Kingdom
Copyright Year:  2023
Running Time:  47:23

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Explores how the Polynesians spread out across the Pacific and examine the cultures they took with them, constructing elaborate temples to their beliefs in places like Easter Island, off the coast of Chile and Nanmadol in Micronesia. We also look at the warrior tribes of the Maori, who voyaged to New Zealand from Eastern Polynesia in the 14th century finding a place uninhabited by humans.

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