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Home / The Dutch Golden Age Part 1 - The Dutch Revolt, 80 Years War and Independence: Empire Builders Series 2

The Dutch Golden Age Part 1 - The Dutch Revolt, 80 Years War and Independence: Empire Builders Series 2

This title is a part of the series Empire Builders Series 2

Catalogue Number:  555039
Producer:  Pilot Productions
Producers:  Cross, Ian
Directors:  Cross, Ian
Producing Agencies:  Pilot Film and TV Productions
Subject:  Archaeology, Architecture, Arts, Canadian World Studies, Documentary, History, Social Sciences, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  United Kingdom
Copyright Year:  2022
Running Time:  53:39

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In the 16th century the Protestant uprising in the Low Countries (today’s Belgium and the Netherlands) led to war with Spain’s Hapsburg monarchy, Charles I who was also the Holy Roman Emperor. When his successor, Phillip II sought to outlaw Protestantism, the followers of Martin Luther revolted, and the 80 Years War began.

Merchants and skilled workers fled Antwerp for Amsterdam, giving rise to maritime supremacy, trade riches, and a golden age for the emerging Dutch republic. Calvinist wealth supported artists like Rembrandt, Vermeer and Hals. Intellectuals such as Descartes and Locke were drawn to Amsterdam. Independent publishing houses flourished. The new Dutch Republic promoted liberal and mercantile values which changed the face of civil society increasingly at odds with royal elites.

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