Germs and Viruses: A Self - Defense Guide

Catalogue Number: 200186
ISBN Number: 0-917159-56-X
Producer: Learning Seed
Producing Agencies: Learning Seed
Subject: Family Studies/Home Economics, Health and Medicine, Social Sciences
Language: English
Grade Level: 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 2006
Running Time: 18:17
Closed Captions: Yes
An infant comes into the world germ free. But not for long. In just a few days its mouth is a zoo of bacteria. Should parents be alarmed? No, they should celebrate! We think of germs as serial killers, but the vast majority behave more like servants. If we killed off all the germs on earth it would be "goodbye humans!" We need germs to survive. But don't feel sorry for these misunderstood critters -- some kill and we need to protect ourselves.
Find out common misconceptions about micro-organisms and learn which to fear, which to welcome, and how to protect yourself. Consider Germs and Viruses a basic unit in cleanliness and personal hygiene.
- The best measures to take in daily life to prevent germs, bacteria, and viruses from infecting you.
- How bacteria differ from viruses and what that difference means to your health care.
- How and why to wash your hands.
- By the way, water does not "drown" germs nor does soap kill them.
- Why we'll never have an antibiotic that fights the common cold.
- Why the overuse of anti-bacterial soaps and lotions might actually promote the growth of bacteria.
- How to use a public washroom and protect yourself against pathogens.
- How to keep a kitchen clean and why bacteria love sponges, dish rags, and soap dishes.
- How to keep food safe.
- How to avoid the common cold and what to take when you get one.
- Learn that the coughs, sneezes, and runny noses of a cold are not the disease, they are your body's effort to fight back.
- What is the "flu" and why is it far more dangerous than the killer viruses in medical thrillers.
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