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Cloning Endangered Species - Pros and Cons: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0322Learn all about the amazing advancements in the science of cloning and its real-world application...
Weston Woods WW2579Based on the book by Tom Lichtenheld (Henry Holt) Sometimes being small has its advantages...
Cloves and Nutmeg from the Moluccas: The Magical World of Spices...
Autentic GMBH AUT013The Moluccas Islands once were the spice chambers of Europe. Cloves and nutmeg were only grown on...
Coastal Revival Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP033Coastal Revival tells the story of how passionate environmentalists and First Nations peoples are...
Coasties: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV002FRL'érosion côtière n'est pas une plaisanterie et les Canadiens de tout le pays participent...
Coasties: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV002Coastal erosion is no joke and Canadians across the country are actively taking part in monitoring...
Cobra and D-Day Bike: The Speed Shop
Blue Ant Media BAM1471Titch takes on a very personal build, creating a custom bike for a pilgrimage to France in honour...
Cock-a-Doodle-Doo: Manon
Sardine Productions SAR090The rooster at the farm cannot sing in the morning so Manon organizes an audition for someone to...
Cocktail Density: Kitchen Science Series
Educational Voice 992234A kitchen is the perfect place for children to see science in action. In this animated program...
Cocos Island and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1426Joakim travels to Cocos Island, Costa Rica to be part of a shark tagging expedition. We will learn...
Code câlin : Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM261FRSans le faire exprès, Codie introduit une anomalie dans le code en y ajoutant un cube « CÂLIN...
Code Kids
Hemmings House Pictures HHP006Code Kids documents a grass roots movement led by a handful of citizens in New Brunswick, Canada as...
Codie fait un carton : Mia & Codie séries
Epic Story Media ESM278FRMia programme Codie pour qu'il plie un carton et lui apprend en même temps à recycler. Mia est...
Codie in a Box: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM278When Mia gets a new 3D printer, Codie wants to fold the cardboard box into something fun before...
Codie Likes to Dance: Mia & Codie Series
Epic Story Media ESM262Codie wants to learn to dance like Mia. While Codie learns a new dance sequence by following his...
Coding For Kids Playlist
Educational Voice 992175PLDigital technology is a big part of the lives of many children today, as our children are...
Cold Case Hunters: W5
CTV CTV798W5's Avery Haines meets the men who are working to bring renewed hope to the families of missing...
Colors: Misho and Robin Series
Monster Entertainment MON549Misho and Robin run into Bear who is planning to paint his home. They want to help him so they all...
Colour and Violent Endings: Hubble's Canvas Series
Blue Ant Media BAM030Colour - Every Hubble image begins in black and white, so why are Hubble’s pictures so...
Colour Changing Milk, Chroma Key, Math Mentalism, Leidenfrost...
Switch SWED103Colour Changing Milk, Chroma Key, Math Mentalism, Leidenfrost Effect, and Rethinker, Linwood G...
Colton - Camperville, Manitoba: Raven's Quest Series, Season 3
Apartment 11 APT502Colton is an 11-year-old Métis boy who lives in Camperville, Manitoba. He’ll introduce us to his...
Come on Rain
Weston Woods WW638by Karen Hesse, illustrated by Jon J. Muth (Scholastic) Tess knows that the only thing that...
Coming Into America: Scientific American Frontiers
PBS Video 040468Who were the first Americans? Did they get here by land or sea? Did a single group populate the...
Comme une abeille : Jack, Saison 1
PVP Jack Inc. F243-S01-07-25Pourquoi la fumée affecte-t-elle les abeilles ? Lorsque Bougalou se retrouve coincé dans une...
Comment je suis devenue invisible
EDENDOC, Kuiv Productions F212-016Caméra, tracking, data, état d’urgence, NSA... est-il possible d’échapper à la...
Commercial Diver: Nerves of Steel Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1008Welcome to the universe of commercial divers. In winter as in summer, they must be carpenters...
Communauté d'avenir: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-10Les collectivités autochtones se retrouvent souvent dans une situation de grande pauvreté et de...
Communicating without Wires: One Stop Science Shop Series
HG Distribution HG0056How come we can’t hear people talking next to us when we’re in the sea? A puzzling question...
Community Service: Ways to Do What's Right
Learning ZoneXpress 430068Help students become a positive force in their communities. Students will discover how to plan and...
Composting For Busy People
Video Project, Inc. TVP015Learn from real people about how to compost. They'll show you in their own backyards everything...
Comprendre l'adaptation à divers habitats: Une incroyable...
Pinegrove Productions PPF023Benoit rêve qu'il lui pousse une autre paire de bras afin de s'adapter à son environnement...
Computer Warship - Canadian Navy on NATO Mission: Forbidden...
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL01The Halifax-class frigate represents one of the most technologically advanced warships in the...
Cones: Look Kool, Season 1
Apartment 11 APT097Hamza discovers that a spinning triangle creates a cone shape, which has a circular base and sides...
Confounds by Mounds: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 3
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0687Native American mounds are ancient earthen structures presumed to be used for burial and sacred...
Confucius and the Origin of Food Philosophy: Confucius Was a...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD013From Acropolis, where Plato, another food philosopher, lectured, to the hill side home of 20th...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD001Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD008Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD016Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most sophisticated organized cuisine in the world...
Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an Ancient...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD000Culture, food and a tiny bit of science… Chinese cuisine is perhaps the oldest and most...
Conserving the Nyae Nyae - Namibia: Native Planet Series - The...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0779Simon travels to travels to Namibia to learn why the San people, the oldest culture on the planet...
Constellations: Cosmic Vistas, Season 5
Blue Ant Media BAM144Since humans have been able to look up at night, we’ve tried to make sense of the shape of stars...
Continents - An Overview
Eduflix Group AB KMG025If we take a look at our planet, it is divided into seven continents: Europe, Africa, Asia...
Continuance: 1491 - The Untold Story of the Americas Before...
1491 Productions Inc. 149108The final episode of 1491: The Untold Story of the Americas Before Columbus looks at stewardship of...
Contribuer à changer le monde: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S12-01Agir localement pour avoir un impact globalement. Changer le monde est un projet pour le moins...
Coolest and Scariest Dinosaurs: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0263Giant, cold-blooded dinosaurs roamed the earth long before humans! Detailed graphics, diagrams and...
Cop Dog: W5
CTV CTV846W5's Molly Thomas meets Major, a police dog with an incredible talant that has helped him crack...
Copper: Hope for Wildlife - Season 1
Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR020EA little fox with major health problems needs multiple surgeries to survive, and four raptors are...
Coppermine River, NU: Great Canadian Rivers, Season 1
Good Earth Productions GEGCR03From its headwaters at Lac de Gras, the Coppermine River flows to its mouth at the Coronation Gulf...
Weston Woods WW436by Don Freeman A lovable stuffed bear, who longs for someone to take him home, launches a...
Cornhill Nursery - Cornhill, NB: Depth of Field - Films about...
March Forth Creative Inc. M4C014Cornhill Nursery is family owned and operated for more than 40 years and is one of the largest...
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