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Religious Studies

257 title(s) found.

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Hindu Sanskars: Rites of Passage Series

Left Field Entertainment LFE007

Hinduism places great stress on daily living and on the actions one performs. Each action can be...

Hindu/Orthodox Wedding: Rites of Passage Series

Left Field Entertainment LFE002

Mixed marriages in a secular society are not uncommon, in this episode, however, we follow a couple...

Hinduism: Let’s talk about Religion! Series

Arte GEIE A269-S01-01

The oldest of religions, Hinduism was founded around 1800 BC and has more than one billion...

History Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0038

Discover fascinating history facts from across the globe with these fact-filled videos. From...

Holi: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992133

This animated video class is all examines the Hindu festival of Holi. This ancient tradition marks...

Homotherapy (52 Minute Version)

EgoDoc Productions A296-014

In 2019, some people are still considering homosexuality as a disease. By studying movements coming...

Honolulu, Bali, Guatemala, Rio De Janeiro, Amsterdam, Budapest...

Switch SWED82

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

How the World Ends Series

Blue Ant Media BAM699

Exploring some of the most widely-held doomsday forecasts and their impending timeline to...

Huitoto, Pablo Zafirekudo: Skindigenous Series, Season 3

Nish Media 310055

Pablo Zafirekudo is a 40-year-old member of the Huitoto tribe, one of the many Indigenous tribes...

Icons of Conquest: Empire Builders Series 3

Pilot Productions 555053

Victorious empires have long benefitted from the fruits of conquest, through territorial expansion...

In Search of Ancient Ireland

PBS Video 040145

In Search of Ancient Ireland explores events and stories from 2000 B.C., when Stone Age farmers...

In the Name of the Family

Bishari Films BF0001

On December 10, 2007, a 16-year-old Toronto schoolgirl, Aqsa, was strangled to death; her father...

Inde: On fête ensemble

Balestra Productions Inc. F74-S07-03

Kareena, dont les grands-parents paternels proviennent d’Inde, invite son amie Julia à un...

Indonesia: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310003

The Mentawai people inhabit a group of islands west of Sumatra, in Indonesia. For centuries, they...

Inside Wicca: A Look at the Truth Behind the Word 'Witch'


Halloween is a witch's new year. Tara Greene, a practicing wiccan discusses misconceptions of the...

Islam: En Plusieurs Foi(s)

Arte GEIE F269-S01-05

Deuxième religion en importance de la planète – dont 80% des adeptes ne sont pas arabes –...

Japan: Festivals Around The World Series

Educational Voice 992139

The most important festival in Japan is the Japanese New Year. The new year is steeped in tradition...

Jerusalem To The North: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR101E

Though their stories cannot be found in the Bible, legends claim that Apostles Jude, John and James...

Jerusalem: Center of the World

PBS Video 041130

This documentary tells the story of the world's most incredible city, capturing the rich mosaic of...


Five2Nine Inc. 529000

A young Quechua boy comes of age through a spiritual connection with a sacred river. The Rio...

Journey into Buddhism


Yatra is the Sanskrit word for pilgrimage or spiritual journey. These visually stunning...

Judaism: Let’s talk about Religion! Series

Arte GEIE A269-S01-02

Practiced by less than one percent of the believers in the world, Judaism nevertheless has a...

Judaïsme: En Plusieurs Foi(s)

Arte GEIE F269-S01-02

Pratiqué par moins de un pour cent des croyants dans le monde, le judaïsme exerce néanmoins une...

KAHA:WI: The Cycle of Life

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0056

A film directed by Shane Belcourt featuring Santee Smith, the acclaimed Mohawk dancer and...

Kings of Europe Part 1 - France, The Habsburgs and Russian...

Pilot Productions 555030

We explore the historic legacy of three of Europe’s Imperial dynasties, the French, Russian, and...

Kings of Europe Part 2 - End of Empires: Empire Builders Series 1

Pilot Productions 555031

 Europe’s imperial dynasties in France, Russia, and Austrian left royal palaces, cathedrals and...

Koningsdag, Outside Lands, Semana Santa, Edinburgh Fringe...

Switch SWED52

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Kumbh Mela, Rainbow Serpent, Toronto International Film...

Switch SWED54

Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...

Leitis in Waiting

Passion River Films PR0003

LEITIS IN WAITING is the story of Joey Mataele and the Tonga leitis, an intrepid group of native...

Let’s talk about Religion! Series

Arte GEIE A269-S01

Let’s Talk About Religion is a series for children ages 7 to 11 that helps them discover the...

Libera Nos

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE011

Claims of Satanic possession are increasing around the world. In meeting the demands of those...

Los Angeles - Elle Festin: Skindigenous Series, Season 3

Nish Media 310057

Born in the Philippines, Elle Festin kept a deep connection to his culture while growing up in the...

Losing Our Religion

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE017

Losing Our Religion is a feature length documentary about preachers who are not believers, and what...

Mama Bears

Video Project, Inc. TVP122

The Mama Bears documentary tells the story of two moms who came to the Mama Bear community from a...

Martin Buber: itinéraire d'un humaniste

ARTE France, Phares & Balises F196-021

Martin Buber (1878-1965) est, après Freud et Einstein, l’un des juifs les plus connus de ce...

Martin Buber: itinéraire d'un humaniste

ARTE France, Phares & Balises F196-021

Martin Buber (1878-1965) est, après Freud et Einstein, l’un des juifs les plus connus de ce...

Martin Buber: Itinerary of a Humanist

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-016

After Freud and Einstein, Martin Buber (1878-1965) was one of the best‐known Jews of the 20th...

Martin Buber: Itinerary of a Humanist

ARTE France, Phares & Balises A196-016

After Freud and Einstein, Martin Buber (1878-1965) was one of the best‐known Jews of the 20th...

Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World

PBS Video 041885

Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World Narrated by Hugh Bonneville (Downtown Abbey), the...

Maskwacis, Samson Cree Nation, AB - Heather Kiskihkoman...

Nish Media 310061

The Samson Cree Nation is one of four communities known collectively as Maskwacis in Central...

Messengers to the West: Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Series

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR102E

The Bible’s book of Acts recounts the Apostle Andrew’s presence at Pentecost, and Peter as the...

Mexico: Skindigenous Series, Season 1

Nish Media 310012

The ancient city of Palenque was once a hub of Mayan civilization. For centuries after its decline...

Mormons: Rites of Passage Series

Left Field Entertainment LFE008

Mormons are the world's most active practitioners of missionary work. From the time they are...

Moscow, Jakarta, Santiago, Abu Dhabi, Vienna, Taipei and Miami...

Switch SWED84

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Moses - Egypt and the Ten Plagues: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG031

In this animated film we will learn the story of Moses, the son of an Israelite slave who was...

Moses - The Exodus and the Ten Commandments: Bible Stories Series

Eduflix Group AB KMG032

The Israelites had, with Moses’ help, managed to free themselves of Egypt and the Pharaoh. God...

Moslem Empires - Ottomans, Mughals and Moors: Empire Builders...

Pilot Productions 555028

In the seventh century, a great new religion was born and rose up in the deserts of what is now...

Mumbai, Copenhagen, Atlanta, Dublin, Houston, Luxor and New...

Switch SWED88

This video reveals the icons, culture, tourism, and hidden highlights with information about local...

Muneeza in the Middle

GAPC Productions GAP016

Muneeza Sheikh wears her faith on her sleeve - if she's wearing sleeves, that is. And that's a...

Mysteries from Above, Season 1

Blue Ant Media BAM1500

Mysteries from Above is a documentary series that sets out to investigate significant historic and...

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