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1357 title(s) found.

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"Meegwitch, hi hi !": De cœur et d’esprit, Ép. 6

Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC06FR

En ojibway, "Meegwitch" signifie "Créateur", et "hi hi" signifie "merci". Dans cet épisode, Laura...


InFilm Productions IFP000

This educational/advocacy documentary follows Isaac Gotfried, a 95-year-old Holocaust survivor who...


Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE046

#NoJoke is a compelling documentary that follows musician Andrew Cole as he puts together a...

16 Hudson ER Series

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB000

Welcome to 16 Hudson ER, a series of Public Service Announcements about Health, Hygiene and Safety...

16 Serie de especiales navideños de Hudson

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB001SP

Bienvenidos a 16 Hudson. En este encantador edificio, en una calle tranquila, en una gran ciudad...

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (58 Minute Version)

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00A

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait (80 Minute Version)

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM00

17 And Life Doesn’t Wait is a compassionate and humorous documentary featuring three smart and...

2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games: RezX TV, Season 1

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ012

This episode of RezX is entirely devoted to the 2015 Saskatchewan First Nations Summer Games that...

2050: A World Without Meat

RMC Films A296-022

Earth hosts 8 billion human beings. 8 billion mouths to feed! But despite massive global...

2050: Faudra-t-il vraiment se passer de viande

RMC Films F296-023

Produire suffisamment pour nourrir une population toujours grandissante alors que les terres...

33 Years -The Secret My Sister Once Told Me

Eve Kinizo EK0000

Shot over the span of 20 years due to court procedures, combining animation with real footage, this...

A Circus for Filipa: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM202

When Filipa doesn’t feel like attending a Pancake Party, Hop wrongly imagines it’s because...

A Club of their Own: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM242

A tiny disagreement blows out of proportion and leads to the Hoppers splitting into two clubs: boys...

A Crafty Granny: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA173

Audrey and Tommy are excited to build a monkey bridge. But Audrey's grandmother pays a surprise...

A Flash of Silver: The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog Series

MUSE Entertainment MUSE73

Oakly the beaver is really upset. Someone destroyed his dam. Alfred's on the case and discovers...

À la rescousse des aventuriers : Luna, Bric & Poulpi...

Epic Story Media ESM187FR

Les Aventuriers promettent d'aider à résoudre trois problèmes différents : nettoyer les...

À la rescousse du lion de mer : Luna, Bric & Poulpi Aventuriers...

Epic Story Media ESM128FR

Un cri à l'aide mène les aventuriers à un lion de mer coincé sur un rocher. Le trio de...

A Monkey's Ransom: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA198

Audrey's cousin Alex tricks Babou so he’ll pose for a drawing. Upset, the proboscis monkey steals...

A Muddy Mess: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM213

Ronny drains Lake Lucky to set up a new Beaver Mud Park, leaving Hop’s houseboat and all the...

A National Perspective: Water Under Fire Series, Episode 7

George Gallant GG0007

What do Canadians think about water? Walkerton and North Battleford made us aware that public...

A Night at the North Pole: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR097

On a winter's night Manon decides to bring all the farm animals into the house to stay warm...

A Place to Stand

Video Project, Inc. TVP001

A Place to Stand tells the story of acclaimed author Jimmy Santiago Baca’s transformation from a...

A Slothful Solution: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA209

The Shelter organizes an event during which visitors can help take care of an animal for the day...

A Stolen Sister - Cheyenne Fox: The Wapikoni Indigenous...

Wapikoni Mobile WM0008EN

Addresses the collective trauma affecting the First Nations of Canada caused by the missing and...

A Touch Of Garlic - Is Garlic a Home Remedy? Jack, Season 2

PVP Jack II Inc. A267-S01-04-16

Is garlic really a home remedy? Jack tries some garlic in an attempt to ease his cold, but the...

A Town Divided: W5


Rayne Gelinas has a crystal clear memory of the day the Pride flag was raised in her small town...

A Trip for a Change: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S03-04

A critical economic sector for many countries around the world, tourism also has its share of...

A Trip to Paris: Aunty B's House Series

Headspinner Productions HESP15

Khadijah gets a beret from Paris, a place she thinks she’ll never be able to travel to. Everyone...

A Very Special Birthday: Audrey’s Shelter Series

Image-In Atlantic IIA166

It's Audrey's birthday, and Tommy has prepared a lot of activities for his best friend. But Audrey...

A World of 3 Zeros


Professor Yunus, banker to the poor, social entrepreneur, and Nobel Peace Laureate is globally...


Redcloud Studios RS0001OJ

Gete ondaanike /mazinaabii’ige inini Kris Nahrgang, dash ge nimi’i / gaagigidoo Ikwe Sarain...

Abandon Project: 12 Neighbors Series

Hemmings House Pictures HHP020

Follow Josh and Jenny Meadows through their adventures with fatherless youth in the Wallace Woods...

ABINOOJIWAG (WAABANDA'IWEWIN): Future History: Harnessing...

Redcloud Studios RS0002OJ

Kris dash Sarain izhaawag gichi ogema oodena wii-ganoonawaad gaa-ganawenimaad abinoojiwag Cindy...

Abuelas: Grandmothers on a Mission

Filmblanc Inc. FILM05

For three decades, Argentina’s courageous Grandmothers, or “Abuelas”, have been searching for...

Achoo!: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR092

As the seasons change Manon seems to notice she can't stop sneezing when she is around Curlou the...

Act Your Age: HOP, Season 1

Epic Story Media ESM223

Penny’s friendship with Earl is put in jeopardy when Lonny accuses Penny of lacking maturity...

Adam: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT598

Nine-year-old Adam already knows a lot about going green. He loves nature, and likes to pick up...

Addiction is a Family Disease: Drug Class Series, Season 2

Cooper Rock CPR018

Everybody suffers when there is a substance use problem in a home. This episode helps parents...

Adrian: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT593

When it's time for 8th grader Adrian to get ready to go back to school, he knows who to call...

Afrique; la guerre des sacs plastiques

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC006FR

La politique des pays africains relative à la gestion des sacs plastiques est une question...

Agis selon ton âge : Hop, Saison 1

Epic Story Media ESM223FR

L’amitié de Penny avec Earl est menacée lorsque Lonny accuse Penny de manquer de maturité...

Aids: A Countdown to a Cure

AB Productions A296-009

According to experts, the AIDS epidemic is now halted but its eradication is nowhere near its end...

Algonquin Highlands; Tree House Park: Giver Series Three, Ep. 4

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE331

Giver travels to Algonquin Highlands to build ...

Alice Cares

Video Project, Inc. TVP106

Carebot Alice is sent off to three elderly single women in assisted living facilities, and is met...

All I Remember

Elizabeth Miller SHORE05

All I Remember follows Leontine, a young survivor of the Rwandan genocide, as she takes her story...

All Our Relations, Season 2

Aarrow Productions AP0030

All Our Relations (Season 2): Part genealogy, part biography, All Our Relations II takes its...

Alma's Nightmare: Manon

Sardine Productions SAR071

Manon's friend, cow, has had a really bad nightmare. Observing her friend's fear, she offers to...

Almost Normal (Ep. 12): Family Secrets Series

Makin Movies Inc. MJMM18

Despite occasional unpredictable behaviour and social awkwardness Asperger’s Syndrome sufferers...

Amazing Egg Dishes (Ep. 9): The Farm with Ian Knauer

RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE009

The egg is one of the most versatile ingredients in the kitchen. Learn how to raise your own...

Amazing Kids of Character Series

Human Relations Media 600469

This uplifting five-part series highlights crucial cornerstones of character courage, empathy...

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