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987 title(s) found.

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St'at'imckalh - Spirit of the People

River Voices RVP002

‘St’at’imckalh ~ Spirit of the People’ is a cultural self portrait of a nation and their...

St. John's to St. Pierre: Canada Over the Edge, Season 1

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR013E

This aerial survey explores the Atlantic coastline, from the wonders of Newfoundland and the Avalon...

St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM160

The scattered terrain of St. Lawrence Islands is a significant migration corridor for many small...

St. Pierre and Miquelon: The Wild, Wild East

Blue Ant Media BAM343

St. Pierre and Miquelon is the summer home to a semi-feral population of horses and ponies. Wild...

Stanley Park and the Surrey Spice Trail in British Columbia...

Brandy Y Productions BYP093

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to British Columbia where she explores the culinary...

Steve's Journey: Warrior Games

Kwassen Productions Inc. 810012

Steve's Journey (Episode 13): "What a long strange trip it's been." Host Steve Sxwithul'txw looks...

Sto:lo Green Building/River Monitoring/Maori Plants

Aarrow Productions AP0024

Sto:lo Green Building/River Monitoring/Maori Plants: Host Steve Sxwithul'txw travels to Chilliwack...

Stockholm archipel des plaisirs: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-03

L’archipel de Stockholm, c’est sans doute la géographie la plus morcelée d’Europe. Un...

Stormborn Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1260

On the wild Northern edge of the Atlantic Ocean lies a land of rock, ice and water.  This is a...

Strathroy-Caradoc; Train Park: Giver Series Three, Ep. 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE328

When a flood causes Strathroy-Caradoc to relocate its...

Striking Balance Series 1: Exploring Canada's Biosphere Reserves

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV017

Biosphere reserves are regions of global ecological significance that make an ongoing commitment to...

Striking Balance Series 2: Exploring Canada's Biosphere Reserves

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV031

Striking Balance, Season 2 explores nine of Canada’s breathtaking UNESCO biosphere reserves...

Stuff: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0111

Do we have too much stuff? In the past you only owned as much as you could carry. Chuck and Andy...

Suivre les glaciers: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005FR

La science et le savoir inuit nous aident à mieux comprendre la fonte et l'accumulation des...

Sunny's Quest Series, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT524

Sunny’s Quest features first-person stories told by Black children from across the country. Each...

Sunny's Quest Series, Season 2

Apartment 11 APT615

Sunny’s Quest features first-person stories told by Black children from across the country. ...

Superior Country: Canada Over the Edge, Season 3

Blue Ant Media BAM174

We begin an aerial journey east, along the shores of Lake Superior - exploring the city of Thunder...

Sweden - Sailboat Race: Are We There yet? World Adventure...

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE395

Molly and Sam dance, ride and roller-coast their way through a carnival at the Baltic festival...

Sweden - Seals: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE394

Molly and Sam step back in time when they visit an open-air museum in Sweden. They dress in...

Sweden - Troubadour: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE396

In Stockholm, Molly and Sam meet their Troubadour friend at the Pippy Longstocking Museum. They...

Sweden - Vasa Museum: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 2

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE393

When Molly and Sam visit Stockholm, they take a floating taxi to a museum for a sunken ship – the...

Sydney Opera House: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992188

This animated geography video lesson explores The Sydney Opera House. The Sydney Opera House is one...

Take the Dive, Season 2

Prairie Boy Productions PBP012

Discover delicious hidden gems in your province. Urbanite Jorge re-introduces his suburban friend...

Tambours du Burundi

Arte GEIE F259-S03-06

Célestin Nzeyimana a trouvé un sens à sa vie. Il s'est fait Batimbo, tambour. Les tambours...

Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park, BC: Destination Parks Series

Good Earth Productions GEDP03

The only way to visit this remote northern corner of BC is by river.  As the water flows to the...

Tawodi - Ojibwe, Gloucester, ON: Raven's Quest, Season, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT016

Tawodi is a 9-year-old Ojibwe boy who lives in Gloucester, Ontario. Tawodi loves to play hockey and...

Tessa - Hay Lakes, AB: Raven's Quest, Season 1

Apartment 11 APT008

Tessa is a 10-year-old Métis girl from Hay Lakes, Alberta. She introduces us to her soccer team...

Thailand - Bangkok: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE383

One day in Bangkok Molly and Sam ring bells for good luck at a temple, have fun painting umbrellas...

Thailand - Songkran: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE384

Sam and Molly have a soaking good time celebrating Songkran, the Thai New Year.  They give food to...

Thailand - Tigers: Are We There Yet? World Adventure, Season 1

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE385

Molly and Sam take a bamboo raft up the river to visit a secluded temple where monks raise orphaned...

The 49th Parallel: Season 3 - Canada Over the Edge Playlist...

Blue Ant Media MCI760PL

Canada Over the Edge is an aerial-documentary series exploring the features that define Canada...

The 7 Continents - Identifying Characteristics, Fun Facts and...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0362

Learn all about the seven continents and their defining characteristics.  What was Pangaea?  What...

The Abenaki – People of the Dawn: The Water of Life Series

MacLeod 9 Productions 300151

Identity is often revealed in the most perilous situations. In The Abenaki - People of the Dawn, it...

The Amazon: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1447

The Amazon rainforest is one of the enduring mysteries of the natural world - and no wonder, it is...

The Animals in Africa

Eduflix Group AB KMG017

In this film, we learn where Africa is and what kinds of animals live there. We take a closer look...

The Animals in North America

Eduflix Group AB KMG018

In this film, you will learn about where North America is located and the types of animals that...

The Ballad of Chuck and Andy: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0110

Chuck and Andy head out on a musical journey to the HARVEST MOON FESTIVAL in Manitoba, Canada. Who...

The Bay of Fundy: Undiscovered Vistas Series

Blue Ant Media BAM311

The Bay of Fundy, on Canada's east coast, is home to the world's highest tides. These surging...

The Best of Both Worlds: Part 1 - The Land Between Series

Zach Melnick LIV006

The first episode of this series starts with an introduction to The Land Between concept -...

The Big Recycle: Planet Echo, Season 3

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0301

In this episode we learn the world of recycling! ADVENTURE:  Chuck and Andy travel a road in...

The Big Thaw: W5


In her first report since joining the W5 team, Investigative Reporter Avery Haines delivers "The...

The Bruce Documentary Series

Zach Melnick LIV027

This 3-part series investigates the ancient relationship the Saugeen Ojibway have with this...

The Changing Face of Iceland


This documentary special from decorated polar explorer and award-winning environmental documentary...

The Cheltenham Badlands - History and Destruction: Living...

Warren Schlote WSCH14

The Cheltenham Badlands are an alien landscape in Caledon, Ontario, once home of the Mississaugas...

The Child of Fire: Volcanic Odysseys (Episode 2)

Blue Ant Media BAM100

When Tom Pfeiffer hears that Anak appears to be going into a violent phase, he hops on a plane to...

The Children of the Storm: Stormborn Series, Ep. 3

Blue Ant Media BAM1263

In the third and final part of the Stormborn trilogy, the animals of the north face worsening...

The Colosseum: Wonders of the World Series

Educational Voice 992185

This animated geography video lesson explores the Colosseum in Italy. It is made up of stone and...

The Conquerors of the Great Ocean

Productions Grand Angle A173-030

The Conquerors of the Great Ocean looks at the history of Oceania, the fifth continent spread over...

The Country of Our Defeat: Part 2 - The Land Between Series

Zach Melnick LIV007

Sam Moore, in the early 1800s, started a trading post in partnership with a Mississauga man he...

The Crossing Place

River Voices RVP005

Kanaka Bar Indian Band is also known as "T'eqt'aqtnmux" or "the crossing place people". This video...

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