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Home / Regreening Sudbury - Saving an Industrial Wasteland: Living History Series

Regreening Sudbury - Saving an Industrial Wasteland: Living History Series

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This title is a part of the series Living History Series

Catalogue Number:  WSCH11
Producer:  Warren Schlote
Producers:  Schlote, Warren
Directors:  Schlote, Warren
Producing Agencies:  Warren Schlote
Subject:  Canadian History, Documentary, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, History, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples, Science, Social Sciences, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2024
Running Time:  9:57

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The first European settlers came to the Sudbury area in the 1880s with the building of the CPR, and logging was the first major industry. Copper ore was discovered while blasting for the rail line, and nickel mining became the major industry. The open-bed ore roasting process released clouds of toxic fumes, polluting the area so badly that nothing could grow. Clearcutting the logs needed for this led to soil erosion. Later, smelters in the newer nickel companies caused acid rain and a desolate landscape resulted.

Fortunately, over the last half-century governments, researchers, and the industries have been working to bring natural life back. We meet one of the people who has led the 'regreening' project. They reduced the acidity of the polluted soils by adding limestone, then planted thousands of native trees and shrubs - an on-going process which is only half completed. Unfortunately, the Anishinaabe people have not received the share of profits due to them under the Robinson Huron Treaty, and they also have toxic tailings from an old gold mine in their territory.  But the Sudbury story is a reminder that people can make a difference.

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