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Doctors' Diaries: NOVA

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Catalogue Number:  WG0326
ISBN Number:  9781593758905
Producer:  WGBH
Subject:  Science
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2009
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Over the past 21 years, NOVA has followed a group of seven doctors from their first day at Harvard Medical School in 1987. All young, bright, and accomplished, none of them could have predicted what it would take, personally and professionally, to become a member of the medical tribe. NOVA's cameras have been there through the difficult years of classes and clinical training, internship and residency, marriage and divorce—documenting the trials and tribulations as these individuals struggled to become doctors and balance time at work and at home. Candid, in-depth interviews have given viewers a real sense of what each person has to deal with day in and day out since they made the decision to practice medicine. In this special two-part program, NOVA returns one last time to get an update on the kind of doctors—and people—they have become.

Special DVD features include: bonus footage; materials and activities for educators; a link to the NOVA Web site; scene selections; closed captions; and described video for the visually impaired.

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