My Well-Being - Fairness: Social-Emotional Learning Series

Catalogue Number: WE0355
Producer: Wonderscape Entertainment
Producers: Yonis, Jeff; Gallo, Fred
Directors: Yonis, Jeff; Gallo, Fred
Producing Agencies: Wonderscape Entertainment, LLC
Subject: Character Education, Citizenship Education, Guidance, Health, Social Issues
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 2023
Running Time: 18:55
Social-emotional learning issues are sensitively discussed with positive and encouraging suggestions on how to navigate our ever-changing, complex world. What does the concept of fairness mean, and how is it different from equality? What approaches and strategies can we implement to achieve fairness in our daily lives? The concepts covered - fairness, equality, equal rights, equity, justice, cheating, greed, stealing, lying, honesty, truth, respect, cooperating, and sportsmanship - are reinforced by video and dynamic graphics.
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