Camels - The Ships of the Desert: Science Kids Animal Life Series
Catalogue Number: WE0104
Producer: Wonderscape Entertainment
Subject: Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2022
Running Time: 21:40
In this high-definition program, learn all about camels. For thousands of years, the people of the Middle East relied on camels for travel and transportation, nourishment and fibres; and camels are still an important part of Middle Eastern culture. Why are camels commonly referred to as "the ships of the desert?" Why do camels have humps? What are the differences between dromedary and bactrian camels? How can camels drink up to fifty gallons of water in less than five minutes? What is the life cycle of a camel? How can we save camels from becoming extinct? The answers to all of these questions are covered with detailed graphics, diagrams and exciting video that reinforce important concepts.
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