Basic Literary Terms (Vol. 6): Understanding Poetry - Rhythm & Meter, Rhyme: Literature Kids Series

Catalogue Number: WE0064
Producer: Wonderscape Entertainment
Subject: English, Language Arts, Literature
Language: English
Grade Level: 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 2017
Running Time: 21:08
Explore the history of poetry, its essential components, and its role in early civilizations. Poetry was originally a spoken art form and poets understood the different roles of vowels and consonants. Poets use rhythm, meter, and rhyme in various forms to achieve a distinctive sound pattern. Some of the meters used are Iambic, Trochaic, Spondaic, Anapestic, and Dactylic. We learn about Iambic pentameter, qualitative meter, and different types of rhyme (near, true, broken, internal, crossed, and end-rhyme) which help to create rhythm. Graphics, examples, and reviews reinforce important concepts.
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