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Introducing Sociology Series

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Catalogue Number:  STV014
Producer:  Shortcutstv Ltd
Producing Agencies:  Shortcutstv Ltd
Subject:  Health and Medicine, Psychology, Science, Sociology
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United Kingdom
Copyright Year:  2016
Running Time:  26:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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These four programs introduce students to major issues and debates encountered at the start of any Sociology course.

Includes the following 4 segments on 1 DVD:

What Is Sociology (6:47) - This film gives students an introduction to Sociology, based around the distinction between social and sociological problems: the problem of order; explaining social change; the relationship between the individual and society.

Identity (6:14) - Here we look at the relationship between the individual and society through the concept of identity and illustrate the differences between personal and social identities.

Social Constructionism (6:49) - This film explains how culture teaches us to see the world in certain ways and is illustrated through examples of contemporary and cross-cultural constructions of gender.

Sociology and Commonsense (6:49) - Does Sociology go beyond common sense and, if so, how? This film introduces students to some key principles of thinking sociologically by comparing differences between sociological and common sense thinking in relation to crime.

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