Vanishing Wetlands: Sharing Our Habitat Series

Catalogue Number: PPE030
Producer: Pinegrove Productions
Subject: Environmental Studies, Science
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2019
Running Time: 19:00
Tabitha chooses turtles and gets the opportunity to assist with a turtle recovery project and to learn why so many species of turtles are at risk. Jack reluctantly accepts a snake assignment that takes him to a major highway development and bridge in Windsor, Ontario. Not seeing any wetlands, he thinks he’s in the wrong place. A species expert assures him that foxsnakes are adaptable, even to heavily modified environments, as long as they can move safely between different parts of their habitat. The expert shows Jack a major wildlife passage under the 6-lane parkway that the developers were required to include in the building of the highway.
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