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Home / Démystifier la dyslexie - DVD

Démystifier la dyslexie - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB550105
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  Sue Ridout
Directors:  Bruce Mohun
Producing Agencies:  Knowledge Network (Burnaby)
Subject:  Documentary, Education, Family Studies/Home Economics, Health and Medicine, Learning Disabilities, Medicine, Science, Special Education, Study Skills
Language:  French
Grade Level:  Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2008
Running Time:  56:09
Closed Captions:  Yes

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The trials and triumphs of four people facing a lifelong struggle with learning. Dyslexia is the most common cause of reading and writing difficulties, affecting about 10 per cent of the population. The Knowledge Network documentary Deciphering Dyslexia is designed to raise awareness and provide an understanding of dyslexia, to bring a human face to this invisible disability and to reduce the stigma surrounding it. The film profiles four individuals and their families. Their stories, along with expert commentary, illustrate the likely causes of the disability and the most scientifically sound strategies for intervention.

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