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Home / Le Monde de Madame Whalley - DVD

Le Monde de Madame Whalley - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB525109
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  John Howe
Directors:  Graham Parker
Producing Agencies:  National Film Board of Canada (Montreal), Office national du film du Canada (Montreal)
Subject:  Family Studies/Home Economics, Fiction, Seniors, Women's Studies
Language:  French
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  1966
Running Time:  27:55

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A study of the conflict between generations that can arise despite the best efforts of everyone to avoid it. Mrs. Whalley is an aging grandmother who lives with her son's family, and sometimes it becomes a strain to hide hurt and loneliness for the sake of harmony in her son's home.

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