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Home / Thân, dans la guerre invisible - DVD

Thân, dans la guerre invisible - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB523519
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  Iolande Cadrin-Rossignol
Directors:  Michel Régnier
Producing Agencies:  National Film Board of Canada (Montreal), Office national du film du Canada (Montreal)
Subject:  Biography, Documentary, Early Childhood Education, Global Studies, Learning Disabilities, People With Disabilities, Safety, Women's Studies, World History
Language:  French
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  1995
Running Time:  59:25
Closed Captions:  Yes

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The slightest touch is all it takes to explode one of the million deadly land mines that lurk in the fields and riverbanks of Cambodia. Thân Khy was pregnant with her fifth child when she stepped on a mine buried just a few feet from her home. Miraculously, she and her daughter, now a year old, survived the blast. But, like 35,000 of her compatriots, Thân lost a limb. Some 30,000 others have lost their lives. Land mines are not only destroying lives by the thousands but devastating Cambodia's economy. Large-scale agricultural activity cannot be revived without first demining arable land. This powerful documentary demonstrates the need for international laws to better protect innocent civilians.

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