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Home / Héliscope - DVD

Héliscope - DVD ONF/NFB

Catalogue Number:  NFB522467
Producer:  National Film Board Of Canada
Producers:  Barrie Howells
Directors:  Barrie Howells
Producing Agencies:  National Film Board of Canada (Montreal), Office national du film du Canada (Montreal)
Subject:  Architecture, Documentary, Media Literacy, Tech/Voc
Language:  French
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  1972
Running Time:  9:24

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A view of Montréal as seen from the helicopter of one of the radio stations that reports on rush-hour traffic movement. Spread out below are the ant-runs of the city--freeways, interchanges, bridges, downtown arteries--and on them the thousands of vehicles, like so many dinky-toys, moving with the flow or jammed in massive tie-ups. It is a seething, teeming spectacle, a unique view of the city, artfully filmed, with comments by the traffic guide, Len Rowcliffe.

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