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Home / Le jour où Henri a rencontré... un coq

Le jour où Henri a rencontré... un coq

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This title is a part of the series The Day Henry Met Series One French

Catalogue Number:  MON033F
Producer:  Monster Entertainment
Subject:   Children's Stories
Language:  French
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Ireland
Copyright Year:  2015
Running Time:  5:00

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Henri devient fermier et nourrit tous les animaux de la ferme. Premier arrêt, la porcherie.


Henry meets a friendly Rooster. Rooster needs to wake up the farmer so he can feed the animals but he has a sore throat and can't crow. Henry becomes a Farmer for the day and helps feed all the animals and even helps cure his sore throat.

Henry is a young boy who desires to learn something new in his everyday life. In each episode, he meets a new object and his imagination comes to life as he learns more with each new encounter. Henry creates so many friendships and everyone he meets is eager to help him find the answers to every new question. 

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