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Home / The Lion's Promise - Keeping Promises: Magic Cellar

The Lion's Promise - Keeping Promises: Magic Cellar

This title is a part of the series Magic Cellar Series (20 DVDs)

Catalogue Number:  MGC012
Producer:  Magic Cellar
Subject:  Children's Stories
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2, 3 - 5
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2006
Running Time:  11:00

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A hunter comes across a lion trapped in a thorn bush. The lion asks for help but first the hunter makes the lion promise not to eat him once he is set free. The lion agrees but then goes back on his promise when he is freed. Hare appears and tricks the lion into going back into the thorn bush, allowing the hunters to escape. Lion learns the importance of keeping his promise. Based on a traditional South African folktale.

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