My Brain Made Me Do It

Catalogue Number: MEI002
Producer: Merit Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Canadian Social Issues, Criminal Justice & Law, Documentary, Psychology, Science, Social Issues, Sociology
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 44:06
Closed Captions: Yes
When a brutal crime is committed who is ultimately to blame - the perpetrator or their brain?
We've all heard people say, 'It was beyond my control' or 'I couldn’t stop myself'. We like to think that we're all ultimately in control of our actions. But how true is this really? Neuroscientists are generating new research that sheds light on why some people can't stop themselves from committing harmful or criminal acts. This is creating new challenges for the justice system and making us re-evaluate the way we sentence, punish, and rehabilitate people for criminal behaviour. Featuring lead scientist, David Eagleman, director of the Center for Science and, Law and author of international best-selling books, Incognito and The Brain, MY BRAIN MADE ME DO IT, challenges our most fundamental beliefs about crime, punishment, and free will.
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