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Home / Black Sheep Farm - Grey County, ON: Depth of Field - Films about Farming Series (With French Subtitles)

Black Sheep Farm - Grey County, ON: Depth of Field - Films about Farming Series (With French Subtitles)

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Catalogue Number:  M4C013F
Producer:  March Forth Creative Inc.
Producers:  Douglas, Sarah
Directors:  Soliman, Tamer
Producing Agencies:  March Forth Creative Inc.
Subject:  Agriculture, Business Studies, Canadian Social Studies, Consumer Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Family Studies/Home Economics, Health, Science, Social Sciences, Social Studies, Tech/Voc
Language:  French
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2024
Running Time:  10:38

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Black Sheep Farm is an agroecological farm that raises sheep on pasture, using intensive managed grazing, to maximize the soil building effects of ruminants, while producing meat and fibre from grass and sunlight. These farmers want to see farming become the climate crisis solution it should be, building soils, sequestering carbon, being a moisture sponge, increasing biodiversity, all while feeding people without exploiting themselves or the people they work with.

Program is in English with French Subtitles.

Also available without subtitles.

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