Mr. Charles Builds a House/Poor Porcupine: Louis Says Season 2 (Cree Version)

Catalogue Number: LSC014
Producer: Louis Says Productions Inc.
Subject: Canadian Social Studies, Character Education, Children's Stories, First Nations Studies, Guidance, Social Studies
Language: Cree
Grade Level: PreK - 2
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2015
Running Time: 22:00
Episode 1A - Mr. Charles Builds A House:
Randy and Katie search for the perfect location for an atim (dog) house. Randy mistakenly thinks Mr. Charles wants a club house and thinks a tree might be the perfect location!!! Eventually he realizes what atim means and they go about learning how to be amateur carpenters. Aboriginal people used various materials to make their houses – some used bark to make wigwams; some used ice to make igloos; and some used hide to make tipis. The materials they used depended on where they lived.
Episode 1B - Poor Porcupine:
Cree elder Louis asks Randy to take a sâponikan (needle) to Mrs Charles. Randy's friend Katie knows sâponikans are sharp so Randy mistakenly believes Mrs. Charles wants to kâkwa (porcupine). Randy wonders how he can deliver a porcupine without touching it. Aboriginal people used porcupine quills to decorate their garments.
** Spoken in Cree with English subtitles. **
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