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Home / Evolution and Darwin: The Development of Life on Earth Series

Evolution and Darwin: The Development of Life on Earth Series

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This title is a part of the series The Development of Life on Earth Series

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Catalogue Number:  KMG023
Producer:  Eduflix Group AB
Producing Agencies:  Kunskapsmedia Group
Subject:  Anthropology, History, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  6 - 8, 9 - 12
Country Of Origin:  Sweden
Copyright Year:  2019
Running Time:  15:11

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In this episode we take a closer look at Charles Darwin – who was he and why is he important to our understanding about the development of life? We explore what evolution is and the meaning of natural selection. Why are concepts such as population, competition, and adaptation important to the development and survival of living organisms? We will learn all this in the third and final part of Development of Life.


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