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Home / The Vanishing Village of the Dead: Unexplained Canada

The Vanishing Village of the Dead: Unexplained Canada

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This title is a part of the series Unexplained Canada Series

Catalogue Number:  KAR003
Producer:  Sean Karow
Producing Agencies:  KarowPrime Films
Subject:  Canadian History, Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, First Nations Studies, History, Indigenous Peoples, Social Sciences, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2005
Running Time:  22:09

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The headline was stark and gripping: “Tribe Lost in Barrens of the North / Village of the Dead found by Wandering Trapper…". The article flowed with messages of dread from another world: “Arctic Circle…. One of the loneliest places on Earth…. Twenty-five men, women, and children…. Nothing there but personal belongings… No signs of struggle…. But, the air seemed deadly.”

It was November 29, 1930. The people of Halifax, Nova Scotia, were the first to read a newspaper article about the so-called Vanishing Village of the Dead at Lake Angikuni, Nunavut, 500 miles northwest of Churchill, Manitoba. Did the Inuit inhabitants succumb to disease or starvation? Were they the victims of animal fair play or human foul play? Or is there another explanation entirely?

Unexplained Canada examines the fact, fiction and possible folly of some our nation’s mysteries. Rather than viewing a mystery with total belief or attempting to debunk it, Unexplained Canada presents many perspectives to encourage viewers to draw their own conclusions.

NOTE: This video was originally produced in 2006. The producer has updated graphics and visuals in this newly released 2022 version.

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