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Checking In: Audrey’s Shelter Series

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This title is a part of the series Audrey’s Shelter Series

Catalogue Number:  IIA189
Producer:  Image-In Atlantic
Producers:  Alessandri, Philippe
Directors:  Coste, Alexandre
Producing Agencies:  Image-In Productions Inc.
Subject:  Character Education, Citizenship Education, Health, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  PreK - 2
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2024
Running Time:  11:01

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Tommy's dads go away for the weekend, so they leave him a phone to check up on him while he stays at the Shelter. Audrey and Tommy help a new guest, Joyo the babirusa, get used to his new surroundings, but Tommy’s dads keep calling every five minutes. Can poor Tommy convince them to give him a little independence?

Audrey’s Shelter follows 7-year-old Audrey, who lives at her family’s refuge for endangered species. She knows first-hand that caring for a menagerie of wild animals isn’t easy but is always worth it. It just takes a little empathy and a big sense of humour.

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