Big Carpenter Party: Leo's Pollinators Series

Catalogue Number: FGE056
Producer: Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc.
Producers: Panikkar, Raj
Directors: Morsi, Reem
Producing Agencies: Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Science
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2021
Running Time: 11:00
The Carpenter Bee is at the top of today's pollinator navigator! These tough pollinators actually live up to their name - they drill holes into wood for their nests! Luckily, these thriving bees aren't picky with their nectar, but they aggressively guard their favourite plants! Join Chloe, Housten and the Brock University Bee Lab team as they research the territorial behaviours of big male carpenter bees, so they can see if it's really better long-term to be the toughest bee on the block.
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