Bay Pipefish: Leo’s FishHeads Series

Catalogue Number: FGE003
Producer: Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc.
Producers: Panikkar, Raj
Directors: Hawes, Karen
Producing Agencies: Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc.
Subject: Canadian Social Studies, Environmental Studies, Science, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2019
Running Time: 11:00
In Pacific Rim National Park in British Columbia, Leo has the FishHeads search for the Bay Pipefish, a member of the seahorse family. West is best for this critter, and Christian & Sayat are excited to find all sorts of Pacific creatures as they look for the camouflaging fish. They work with a marine biologist from Parks Canada to sift through the eel grass where the Bay Pipefish live, in the hopes of observing a fish unlike any they've seen yet!
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