
Catalogue Number: F3M014
Producers: Gagnon, Romane
Directors: Bennani, Chadi
Producing Agencies: L'École des médias de l'Université du Québec à Montréal
Subject: Canadian Social Issues, Documentary, Guidance, Health, Psychology, Social Issues, Social Sciences
Language: French
Grade Level: Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2023
Running Time: 23:15
In this touching documentary, filmmaker Chadi Bennani accompanies his mother, Dominique, as she sets out to empty Nicole’s apartment, her mother who passed two years prior. Through their discoveries, Dominique and Chadi share their memories of Nicole, as well as their apprehensions of a future without her. Searching to keep a promise made to her mother, Dominique quickly faces a home filled to the ceiling, displaying at first glance Nicole’s hoarding tendencies. However, this seemingly insurmountable task evokes much more for Dominique and Chadi, for whom each object embodies Nicole’s presence, accompanying them along the way. Harboring beauty and pain, this film presents the relationship between a mother and her son when facing the emptiness left by the departure of a loved one.
Film is in French with English subtitles.
2023 Official Selection - Hot Docs
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