Groundbreakers: Green Heroes Series, Season 1

Catalogue Number: CIN006
Producer: CineFocus
Producing Agencies: CineFocus Canada Productions
Subject: Agriculture, Business Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Issues, Science
Language: English
Grade Level: 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2010
Running Time: 25:00
These GreenHeroes have been involved in visionary efforts that have changed the face of environmentalism.
Emily and Bobbi Hunter, a mother and daughter combination carried on the legacy of the late, great Greenpeace co-founder Robert Hunter. Emily has been taught that one should hope and dream for something better and act on those dreams. Emily has also written a book called ‘The Next Eco Warriors’, a collection of stories about young and inspiring green heroes.
Ray Anderson, America's Greenest CEO, is an enlightened business leader and founder of Interface Carpets. Inspired by Paul Hawkins’ book ‘The Ecology of Commerce’, he changed his company from petro-intensive to a restorative business by adopting the 7 Faces of the Mountain. In 2019, his company celebrated Mission Zero success and continues to activate on Climate Take Back. Green Hero Ray shows that a billion-dollar company can change successfully.
Green Hero, scientist and seed protector Vandana Shiva is world renowned for her efforts to bring change to agriculture and food production. Her deep love for the earth and her fight against intolerance and injustice led her to found Navdanya, which promotes sustainable farming and protects farmers’ rights. Vandana wants humanity to respect food and have better reverence for one’s body and the earth.
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