Raincoast's Fight: Coastal Revival Series

Catalogue Number: BYP034
Producer: Brandy Y Productions
Producing Agencies: Brandy Y Productions
Subject: Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, Geography, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples, Physical Geography, Science, Social Studies, Travel
Language: English
Grade Level: 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2016
Running Time: 10:00
Closed Captions: Yes
In the Great Bear Rainforest huge coastal mountains plunge into the ocean covered with ancient temperate rain forest, and teeming with widlife. The Raincoast Conservation Foundation is dedicated to protecting the Pacific coast of British Columbia. Interaction with bears in the wild has shifted from defensive strategies (bear bangers and shotguns) to respectful interaction. When the moratorium on bear trophy hunting was rescinded, the organization decided to save grizzly bears by purchasing hunting territory and attracting tourists who shoot only with cameras!
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