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Home / Waiting for Winter: Arctic Secrets Series

Waiting for Winter: Arctic Secrets Series

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This title is a part of the series Arctic Secrets Series

Catalogue Number:  BAM475
Producer:  Blue Ant Media
Producing Agencies:  Nah Ho Productions and White Pine Pictures for Blue Ant Media
Subject:  Canadian Social Studies, Canadian World Studies, Geography, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2017
Running Time:  60:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Cape Tatnam on the western shore of Hudson Bay is the home of the world's most southerly polar bear population. Hudson Bay is frozen for half of each year, and the bears live out on the ice, hunting seal, their favorite food. In the summer, polar bears are stranded on the coast cut off from their main food source. With a longer ice-free period, the sight of one of the world’' fiercest predators grazing on seaweed is becoming more common on the Western shores of Hudson Bay. The long summer and fall has been an especially tough time for young polar bears and mothers with cubs. Polar bears in this region have adapted to eating nothing, or snacking on less nutritious food, like grass, seaweed or bird eggs during the summer months.

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