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Sechelt Green Jobs/Sechelt Run-of-River Project and Salmon Channel/Squamish Estuary

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This title is a part of the series Down2Earth Series: Season 2

Catalogue Number:  AP0028
Producer:  Aarrow Productions
Producing Agencies:  Aarrow Productions Inc.
Subject:  Canadian Social Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Family Studies/Home Economics, First Nations Studies, Geography, Science, Social Studies
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  Canada
Copyright Year:  2013
Running Time:  21:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Sechelt Green Jobs/Sechelt Run-of-River Project and Salmon Channel/Squamish Estuary: Host Leigh Joseph travels to the Sechelt Nation on Canada's west coast to learn how this community is training Indigenous people for careers in hydro-electricity and other green energy businesses. Then Leigh heads to the Sechelt Creek Hydro project where members of the community operate a run-of-river hydro-electricity plant and monitor a salmon spawning channel. She then meets with Randall Lewis, the environmental coordinator of the Squamish Nation, to find out how they saved their estuary from being turned into an industrial site.

Filmmaker Bio: Barbara Todd Hager is a writer, producer and director. Her family traces its Métis ancestry to Red River, Fort Pitt and St. Paul des Métis Settlements. In 1999 she launched Aarrow Productions and it has grown into one of Canada’s leading Indigenous-owned media companies.

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