Agro-forestry/A Return to a Traditional Way of Life/Global Warming Crisis: Down2Earth (Ep 113)

Catalogue Number: AP0015
Producer: Aarrow Productions
Producing Agencies: Aarrow Productions Inc.
Subject: Canadian World Studies, Civics, Environmental Studies, Global Issues, Indigenous Issues, Indigenous Peoples
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2012
Running Time: 21:00
Closed Captions: Yes
Agro-forestry/A Return to a Traditional Way of Life/Global Warming Crisis: The Ya'axche Conservation Trust is a community organization that promotes economically viable and ecologically sound agriculture throughout southern Belize.; A ruling by the Supreme Court of British Columbia meant that the Nuu-chah-nulth could return to a way of life enjoyed for countless generations.; At the UN Climate Change Conference, several Indigenous leaders speak out on climate change.
Filmmaker Bio: Barbara Todd Hager is a writer, producer and director. Her family traces its Métis ancestry to Red River, Fort Pitt and St. Paul des Métis Settlements. In 1999 she launched Aarrow Productions and it has grown into one of Canada’s leading Indigenous-owned media companies.
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