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Home / Masters of the Elements Series

Masters of the Elements Series

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Catalogue Number:  A296-S07
Producer:  AB Productions
Subject:  Business Studies, Consumer Studies, Documentary, Environmental Studies, Global Studies, Physics, Science, Social Sciences, Tech/Voc
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  France
Copyright Year:  2018
Running Time:  208:00

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By 2050, the Earth’s population will have reached nearly 10 billion people. Today the planet’s resources are already insufficient to provide for the energy needs of all its inhabitants. Master of the Elements proposes new technologies fostered by start- ups, that we could already apply. Changing our habits has become not just an option but a necessity!

Episodes: 1. Air 2. FIre 3. Earth 4. Water

Also available in French: Les maîtres des éléments

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