Ground: Fixing Nature Series

Catalogue Number: A296-S03-03
Producer: AB Productions
Directors: Ruspini, Sonia
Producing Agencies: Science & Vie TV
Subject: Canadian World Studies, Environmental Studies, Global Issues, Global Studies, Science, Social Sciences, Social Studies
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: France
Copyright Year: 2018
Running Time: 52:12
Soil erosion and degradation will become one of the most threatening issues facing human security in the 21st century. Nuclear accidents severely damage the environment and previously fertile soil for decades, creating a poisonous habitat. Also, intensive farming with the use of pesticides and toxic fertilisers causes slow poisoning of the soil. The cultivation of inappropriate plants and crops ultimately damage the soil ecosystem and reduce biodiversity. This episode of "Fixing Nature", looks at how biologists, botanists and engineers around the world are fighting the decline of biodiversity.
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