Sight: Human +: The Future of Our Senses Series

Catalogue Number: A266-S02-02
Producer: Ideacom International
Producers: Cennac, Nicholas
Directors: Singer, Leo
Producing Agencies: Idéacom International, Bonne Pioche
Subject: Documentary, Health and Medicine, Science, Tech/Voc
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2019
Running Time: 48:25
Closed Captions: Yes
The science of sight has entered a new era. We are starting to understand how a few rare individuals can see better or see faster. We meet a woman who can see a hundred more colors than the average human being, and a heavyweight boxer who undergoes sophisticated training to increase the speed of his visual reflexes and acuity.
Becoming superhuman, these individuals are examples of what we all may aspire to. As silicon and carbon meld and point the way to our bionic future, we discover how technology is starting to replace or enhance vision for those who have lost it. We witness the moment when a husband and father, equipped with an experimental retinal implant, sees his wife and child for the first time. We meet a young student who can “see” with his tongue. And we find how connectivity and miniaturization can give all blind people the gift of seeing through another person’s eyes.
Prizes won:
Deauville Green Awards – Trophée Or 2019
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