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Peer Mediation: Teaching and Learning Series

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This title is a part of the series Teaching and Learning Series

Catalogue Number:  7D0018
Producer:  Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd
Producing Agencies:  Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd
Subject:  Professional Development
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin:  Australia
Copyright Year:  2009
Running Time:  15:00

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Four young primary school students are encountering problems in the schoolyard. Peer mediators are assigned to help sort out their issues - without teacher involvement - by listening, understanding and empowering them to agree on a solution. Peer mediation is an effective initiative to enable intervention with minor issues and prevent them from becoming major problems and learning distractions. Older students, equipped with training and a mediator's kit, are trained and empowered to mediate their younger peers and make them feel comfortable to talk about their problems. By listening and understanding, they can guide young students to agree on solutions and manage future problems.

Key Learning Points

Peer mediation has many advantages - it builds listening and communication skills in students. It builds trust and enables conflicts between children to be resolved by children, without the authority factor of a teacher. Peer mediators develop leadership, problem solving and mediation skills.

1. Make them feel comfortable
2. Go over the rules
3. Use active listening
4. Understand the problem
5. Agree on a solution
6. Congratulate!

Role plays using simulations enable students to understand all points of view and develop their empathy skills. Students practise the steps to mediate the conflicts during training. Role plays are reviewed to bring out the issues, the feelings and to share the solutions. Peer mediators learn they cannot take sides.
• Both students must agree to the mediation process
• Difficult cases get referred back to teachers
• If the students don't agree to the mediation rules you cannot proceed
• Peer mediators cannot mediate when one of the participants is a close friend

The Peer Mediation Kit contains:
• Tissues
• Fluoro vests
• Clipboard with
- Check sheets
- Tip sheet
- Question list
- Emotions chart
- Active listening tips
- Agreement form
- Pencil case

DVD accompanied by PDF Workbook containing discussion questions, activities, handouts and full script

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