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Teaching Literacy: Teaching and Learning Series

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This title is a part of the series Teaching and Learning Series

Catalogue Number:  7D0016
Producer:  Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd
Producing Agencies:  Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd
Subject:  Professional Development
Language:  English
Grade Level:  Post Secondary, Adult, Educators
Country Of Origin:  Australia
Copyright Year:  2009
Running Time:  22:00

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Learning to read and write can be fun! By identifying individual needs and implementing effective teaching methods, students can be motivated to learn through creative programs and word games that students enjoy. This program demonstrates shared reading, guided reading, and uses "Learning Centres" to:
  • Make the learning focus clear through rephrasing, reinforcement and summarising
  • Encourage students to predict, reflect, discuss and support each other.
  • Provide opportunities for skills practice in a fun way.
Key Learning Points:
Shared Reading

A Year 2 lesson about homophones & words that rhyme but are spelled differently. Teaching emphasis is on:

  1. Make the learning focus clear
  2. Rephrase the learning goal
  3. Reinforce the learning
  4. Summarise & keep students motivated
  5. Ask students to summarise the learning
  6. Reinforce learning beyond the session.
Guided Reading

Teacher led small group discussion (Year 2) demonstrating:

  1. Encourage students to predict
  2. Make the teaching focus clear
  3. Interview after reading
  4. Extend students' understanding
  5. Link discussion to the text.
Learning Centres

Level 2 teachers work with various small groups of students to demonstrate a range of literacy learning activities:

  • BINGO - Attending to the visual detail in words
  • Design activity for specific learning needs - in this case learning to read the whole word.
Word Building - Using common letter patterns

A game called "CHUNKS" is used to experiment with words - putting words together from beginnings and end of words - to make real words.

Word Detectives - Practising high frequency words

Students are encouraged to search for and cut out common words from newspapers and magazines - that they know and can read. Be enthusiastic and make activity fun.

Book Box - Using guided reading texts

Students select a book they are familiar with and are challenged with a range of tasks - requiring them to read the book to answer the challenges.

Learning Challenges: Dominos
  1. Link the learning to the game
  2. Be patient and allow time for understanding
  3. Use a variety of prompts
  4. Confirm understanding

DVD accompanied by PDF Workbook containing discussion questions, activities, handouts and full script


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