Maintaining a Healthy Heart: An Owner's Manual

Catalogue Number: 600593
Producer: Human Relations Media
Producing Agencies: Human Relations Media
Subject: Health and Medicine, Sports
Language: English
Grade Level: 6 - 8, 9 - 12, Post Secondary, Adult
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 2012
Running Time: 22:00
Closed Captions: Yes
Heather Shenkman, M.D., is a vibrant young cardiologist, triathlete, and expert communicator. She presents students with a crash course in the physiology and functioning of their hearts and demonstrates the best ways to keep their hearts healthy. Using herself as a model, Dr. Shenkman shows teens exactly how to achieve life-long heart health through 7 simple principles: 1) get active, 2) eat healthy, 3) manage weight, 4) avoid smoking, 5) control cholesterol, 6) manage blood pressure and 7) reduce sugar in your diet. Dr. Shenkman motivates teens to design, start and maintain a healthy heart program tailored to each student's individual needs.
Includes Resource Guide.
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