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Home / Pushed To The Brink: Bullycide on the Rise

Pushed To The Brink: Bullycide on the Rise

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Catalogue Number:  600563
Producer:  Human Relations Media
Subject:  Guidance
Language:  English
Grade Level:  6 - 8, 9 - 12
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2011
Running Time:  20:00
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Several recent tragedies have focused the attention on the growing trend of "bullycide," the term that describes those desperate instances of young people taking their own lives to escape from relentless harassment by their peers. This timely video follows multiple storylines to deliver the message that bullying can have enormous and tragic consequences. Viewers learn the facts surrounding two recent bully-provoked teen suicides. Commentary from Dr. Joel Haber, a clinical psychologist and recognized national expert on bullying, identifies various forms of bullying, from obvious physical assaults to more indirect forms such as cyberbullying, spreading rumors, exclusion or verbal taunts. This unforgettable program includes important tips for dealing with bullies and urges students to join together and become proactive defenders of victims before they reach their breaking point. Most importantly, it opens the door for an important dialogue among all viewers, those who may be participants, witnesses or victims of peer intimidation and hostility.

Includes Resource Guide.


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