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Fast Food Survival Guide

Maple Leaf This item is only available for Canadian orders.

Catalogue Number:  200170
ISBN Number:  0-917159-20-9
Producer:  Learning Seed
Subject:  Health and Medicine
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2004
Running Time:  20
Closed Captions:  Yes

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Fast food is here to stay as part of our culture and economy. We choose to eat on the run and vote for fast food with our pocketbooks to the tune of billions of dollars a year. Fast Food Survival Guide examines the role of fast food in society and shows that even though you might not want to become its best friend, you can learn to live with it.

  • Why is fast food a multi-billion dollar giant that competes with groceries and home-cooking?
  • Should fast food be taxed like cigarettes and the money used to pay for obesity related expenses to society?
  • Does fast food have to be fat food? Why not franchises like "asparagus on the run"?
  • Can you eat fast food without turning into a poster child for Blimps-Are-Us?
  • What excesses of fast food are best avoided on a regular basis?
  • What should you know about "super-sizing" and "portion bloat"?


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