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Catalogue Number: 200108
ISBN Number: 1-55740-962-5
Producer: Learning Seed
Subject: Early Childhood Education, Family Studies/Home Economics, Health and Medicine
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 1998
Running Time: 24
Closed Captions: Yes
Shaping Youngest Minds

Catalogue Number: 200108
ISBN Number: 1-55740-962-5
Producer: Learning Seed
Subject: Early Childhood Education, Family Studies/Home Economics, Health and Medicine
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin: United States
Copyright Year: 1998
Running Time: 24
Closed Captions: Yes
Love boosts brainpower. We now understand that at birth, the brain is very much a work in progress. Human contact helps "grow" the brain. A mother comforting her baby, a father playing peek-a-boo, and a caregiver reading to a child are all shaping youngest minds.
- How stories, song and conversation are critical to "growing" a brain.
- Why comforting a crying infant helps teach emotional self-regulation.
- How a loving touch helps shape future human relationships.
- How parental depression can be contagious.
- How attachments to parents, family, and caregivers actually shape youngest minds.
- How experience begins in the womb. A one-pound fetus already has 100 billion brain cells.
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