Gossip, Drama and Social Media Series

Catalogue Number: 123002
Producer: Stature Films
Subject: Canadian Social Issues, Character Education, Diversity, Guidance, Health and Medicine, Social Issues, Social Media
Language: English
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Country Of Origin: Canada
Copyright Year: 2018
Running Time: 60:00
Closed Captions: Yes
Navigating high school and adolescence is a fun and exciting time but can also be turbulent and uncomfortable. Many problems that arise in high school stem from social issues that come with interacting with fellow students. Internationally renowned youth speaker Anthony McLean speaks compassionately and honestly about the many struggles and trials teens go through everyday. Are you being bullied, or could you be the bully? Love gossip and the way it makes you feel in the moment but hate the way it makes you feel later? In this Canadian-produced series, McLean tackles the difference between conflict and drama, popularity and friendship, as well as the important role a bystander has in conflict and the ongoing issues with social media. Anthony McLean creates a safe space for teens to speak openly about the many problems they deal with growing up and help open minds to a kinder way of looking at their fellow student body. The goal of this series is to get students involved in building a positive culture at school through great character and leadership.
Series includes the following 7 programs, 8 - 12 minutes each on 2 DVDs.
- Bullying - You don’t have to like everyone but you do have to respect everyone. Using his original song, “Treat ‘em Well”, Anthony speaks to high school students at their level in an engaging and memorable way.
- Conflict and Drama - Learning how to co-exist with people you disagree with is a major life skill. Gossip and drama can be exciting, but is that the right choice for the people involved, including you?
- The Bystanders - Bullying happens every day in school, which means a lot of students become bystanders. Bystanders often play the most important role in conflict. Always ask yourself this question, “what would I want people to do for me if I was in this situation?”
- Being Bullied - High school students discuss how bullying is even worse now tha tsocial media means kids can get nasty both online and in person.
- Gossip - Those who gossip with you will eventually gossip about you. When talking about everyone else’s drama affects your own friendships, is it worth it?
- Popularity and Friendship - It’s better to build genuine relationships than to chase after fake ones. Students lend their own wisdom on what a true friendship looks like, how to spot a toxic one and whether the cost of popularity is really worth it.
- Social Media - What you post today can linger forever. Will you use it to hurt or to help? Think before you click.
"He absolutely understands the pressures that teenagers are facing in high schools today. He's real and he's authentic and kids can see that." - Jennifer Meier, Vice Principal, St. Joseph High School
“When Anthony McLean speaks in an assembly of 2000 students, they are totally engaged in every word that he says.” — Principal - Father Bressani Catholic High School - YCDSB
"Anthony's workshops have had a significant impact on our school. He has a profound ability to connect with people and share strategies that help to create a safe environment for all. He was equally impactful while working with parents and members from our community. I would wholeheartedly welcome him back to our school anytime." - Greg Farrell - Principal - Sam Chapman Public School - YRDSB
"Anthony McLean would be an asset to any school community or any parent community. I would highly recommend him." - Krista Benedetti - Principal - Tiger Jeet Singh Elementary School - HCDSB
"This year Anthony presented to our students and the response from staff and students has been overwhelming. His bullying prevention message echoes the values of our Safe Schools team and helps students understand their role in creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. I would recommend him to any school looking for a dynamic, energetic and inspirational speaker." - Aldo Petrucci, Principal, Hunter’s Glen Public School, TDSB
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