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Home / The Jewish Americans: A Series by David Grubin

The Jewish Americans: A Series by David Grubin

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Catalogue Number:  040976
ISBN Number:  1415738440
Producer:  PBS Video
Subject:  Documentary, History, Holocaust, Social Studies, World History
Language:  English
Grade Level:  9 - 12, Post Secondary
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2008
Running Time:  360

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Acclaimed filmmaker David Grubin traces 350 years of Jewish American history, from the arrival of the first Jews in 1654 to the present day, and tells the story of a tiny minority struggling to make their way into the American mainstream while maintaining a sense of their own identity as Jews. This tension between identity and assimilation will resonate with other minority groups.

Episode 1: They Came to Stay (110 min.) includes Early American Jews, Peddlers, Anna Solomon, Civil War, Reform Judaism, the Garment Industry, the German Jews, Orthodox Jews, and Yiddish Theatre.

Episode 2: The Best Of Times, The Worst Of Times (110 min.) includes Hank Greenberg, Irving Berlin, Justice Louis Brandeis, Leo Frank, Henry Ford and anti-semitism, College Quotas, Molly Greenberg, The Catskills, Louis B. Mayer, Hitler, and the Holocaust.

Episode 3: Home (110 min.) includes Miss America, GI Jews, the founding of Israel, Jewish Comedy, the Suburbs, the Rosenbergs, Civil Rights, Freedom Summer, the '67 war, Jewish feminists, Freeing Soviet Jews, and Jewish life today.

<strong>Special added Features: An interview with the filmmaker; Jewish Cooking; Rosh Hashanah Ceremonial Scene.</strong>

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