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Stepping Up With Literacy Stations

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Catalogue Number:  000136
Producer:  Stenhouse Publishers
Subject:  Professional Development
Language:  English
Grade Level:  Educators
Country Of Origin:  United States
Copyright Year:  2007
Running Time:  90

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Literacy work stations have taken the primary grades by storm, as teachers discover many ways to use them in supporting independent and thoughtful reading and writing. Now, Stepping Up with Literacy Stations provides teachers in third grade and up a way to tap into the energy and excitement of this innovative management and learning system. This DVD takes viewers into diverse third and fifth grade classrooms, where Debbie Diller coaches and guides children and their teachers through the process of designing and implementing stations. While many of the components and topics of the intermediate literacy stations are the same as those in the younger grades, there are some key differences. Debbie and her colleagues talk through how stations can be used to support achievement on standardized tests and provide reading and writing practice in the content areas. In addition, they explore the growing ability of older students to take on more responsibility for creating and maintaining stations.
The video includes a comprehensive viewing guide, with templates for use in stations, suggestions for workshops built around the series, and answers to crucial questions about how to implement stations with older students. This dynamic and practical series can help intermediate teachers "step up" with their students to more purposeful, independent work in literacy stations.

About the Author

Debbie has been a national consultant since 2000, but she still has "those 'back-to-school' dreams in the fall." After playing school in her childhood home's basement in Lititz, PA, she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in Education.


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