80 title(s) found.A Father's Obsession: W5
CTV CTV026In the cemetery on the edge of Dunnville, Ontario, there's a grave with no headstone. A wooden...
A World Apart: 21 C Series
CTV CTV091Regent's Park, a troubled housing project in Toronto has a reputation for violence and drugs. The...
Act of Kindness: W5
CTV CTV730The story of how one Las Vegas bartender comforted a dying Canadian man who was gunned down in the...
After Newtown: Guns in America
PBS Video 041643In April 1775, it took the Minuteman roughly fifteen seconds to load, aim, and fire each musket at...
American Experience: Oklahoma City
PBS Video 041870Oklahoma City explores the intertwined narratives of the worst domestic terrorist attack in the...
American Experience: Ruby Ridge
PBS Video 041869Shortly before dawn on August 21, 1992, six heavily armed U.S. marshals made their way up to the...
An Easy Catch: W5
CTV CTV356When the idea to present a story about Internet sexual predators - and to find them - was first...
Arrivals: Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1341**Contains course language** The multi-award-winning documentary series returns for a new series...
Bystander Intervention - Putting a Stop to Sexual Assault
Human Relations Media 600671This program carefully explains the basics and principles of bystander intervention, a strategy...
Bystander Intervention: Putting a Stop to Bullying
Human Relations Media 600672Bystander intervention is a new and proven effective strategy to reduce incidents of bullying and...
City of Gangs - Regina Grapples with Native Gang Problem: W5
CTV CTV444W5 looks at the rise of gangs in Regina, and the story of a young Aboriginal man who was murdered...
Coping With Dating Violence and Abuse
Human Relations Media 600633Dating abuse is on the rise in high schools and colleges - it is a serious problem that affects...
Crime and Gender: Closing the Gap
Shortcutstv Ltd STV027The most consistent finding in the study of crime is the relationship between crime and gender. In...
Cruising for Trouble: W5
CTV CTV388The $20-billion a year North American cruise industry sells fun, excitement and the chance to visit...
Dawson College: Road to Recovery: W5
CTV CTV344For 18 minutes, Kimveer Gill - a crazed gunman obsessed with goth culture - owned the lives of his...
Deadly Care: W5
CTV CTV600When Joe McLeod was moved from jail to a nursing home, assurances were made that he would be safe...
Dealing with Teen Dating Abuse: Crossing the Line
Human Relations Media 600616Crossing the Line is a vital tool for combating teen dating violence and abuse. In a nationwide...
Defining Sexual Assault
Human Relations Media 600650PART ONE: WHAT IS SEXUAL ASSAULT? WHAT IS CONSENT? Defines terminology including sexual assault...
Durkheim and the Functions of Crime
Shortcutstv Ltd STV030It seems obvious to most people that crime and social order are opposites. But more than a century...
Elder Abuse Awareness Playlist
CTV MCI730PLThis Canadian collection of programs uncovers the horrifying abuse that takes place to our most...
Family: Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1342**Contains course language** In the second episode of the award-winning series director Paddy...
Fred and Rose West: House of Horrors
Blue Ant Media BAM1106Twenty-five years ago Britain was horrified by a murder story unfolding at 25 Cromwell Street in...
FRONTLINE: Inside Assad's Syria
PBS Video 041821Correspondent Martin Smith goes inside Syria to report from government-controlled areas as war...
FRONTLINE: ISIS in Afghanistan
PBS Video 041835Inside the rise of ISIS in Afghanistan and how they're training the next generation of jihadists...
Frontline: Losing Iraq
PBS Video 041751With Islamic extremists gaining ground in Iraq, and the Obama administration being pulled back into...
FRONTLINE: Opium Brides (Newsmagazine #2)
PBS Video 041575Unexpected victims have been caught in the crossfire of attempts to eradicate Afghanistan's...
FRONTLINE: Raising Adam Lanza
PBS Video 041618In the wake of the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, FRONTLINE investigates a young...
Generation XXX: W5
CTV CTV666W5's Victor Malarek investigates the long-term effects that sexually-explicit images found on the...
Handling Bullies When You're LGBTQ
Human Relations Media 600699Did you know that young people who identify as LGBTQ are at an increased risk for bullying? Young...
Hate Crime - Uncensored
Blue Ant Media BAM1107Hate Crime: Uncensored is a new documentary featuring testimony and footage of a variety of...
Hate Crime in Everyday Life
Shortcutstv Ltd STV029Hate Crime is high profile now, but the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just...
Help Me: Elder Abuse in Canada: W5
CTV CTV005The elderly: they are among the most vulnerable in our society. Many are unable to care for...
Highway Robbery: W5
CTV CTV350On the evening of June 21st, 2006, Donny Woods and his 18-wheeler pulled into the A&P grocery store...
In The Dark: W5
CTV CTV688Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the families of residents of an Ontario nursing home who were sexually...
In the Name of God: W5
CTV CTV679W5's Victor Malarek speaks with former students of the now abandoned Grenville Christian College on...
India's Shame: W5
CTV CTV601India is a country rich with contrast. Here old meets new. Poverty grinds against prosperity...
Justice for Rebecca (W5)
CTV CTV389In 1996 teens Rebecca Middleton and Jasmine Means from Belleville, Ontario traveled to Bermuda, a...
Let's Talk About It
Filmblanc Inc. ICE018According to Statistics Canada, more than half of Canadian women have been victims of at least one...
Mass Killings: Mythologies
Shortcutstv Ltd STV041Mass killings, described by the FBI as four or more unlawful killings in a single event, devastate...
Mass Killings: The Role of the Media
Shortcutstv Ltd STV042The Columbine High school shooting was the most widely covered news story of 1999 in the United...
Mean Streets: W5
CTV CTV090Canada's largest city has always had the reputation of "Toronto the Good." But recently, high...
Mental Health: Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1338**Contains course language** Durham has one mental health nurse for almost 1000 men. At any one...
Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI090Violence against women is a significant issue in society. According to the World Health...
My Enemy, My Brother (18 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL00My Enemy, My Brother is a real life story about two former enemies, Zahed and Najah, who fought in...
My Enemy, My Brother (88 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL01My Enemy, My Brother is the real life story about two enemies from the Iran-Iraq War who return to...
Mystery of Muskoka: W5
CTV CTV355In March, 1997, Barb Anderson helped her 69-year-old brother John Crofts board a bus to Toronto...
Neglected Care: W5
CTV CTV712A W5 investigation puts the spotlight on lack of care and alleged abuse in long term care...
NOVA: Manhunt - Boston Bombers
PBS Video 041644At 2:50pm on April 15, 2013, two bomb blasts turned the Boston Marathon finish line from a scene of...
NOVA: Mind of a Rampage Killer
PBS Video 041621What makes a person walk into a theater or a church or a classroom full of students and open fire...
Streel Films SF0000The dramatic increase of the North Dakota population, following the oil boom, has come with an...