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Global Issues

431 title(s) found.

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Sea Turtle Rescue in Ecuador: Restoration Planet Series, Season 2

Robert E Moberg Films REM010

An inspiring grassroots sea turtle rescue program in Ecuador in is the feature of this episode. We...

Secrets of the Osa Peninsula: Restoration Planet Series, Season 2

Robert E Moberg Films REM011

The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is described as the most bio intense area on the planet. It is also...

Seeking Immunity: W5


W5 looks at the development of vaccinations that scientists hope will stem the spread of COVID-19...

Seeking Justice on Behalf of the Environment - Antonio Oposa...

Paper Tiger PT0079

This episode of the Green Interview features Antonio Oposa Jr., one of Asia's pioneering activist...

Seeking Refuge

InformAction A83-002

Filmed over a 5 month period, Seeking Refuge is the journey of five applicants seeking asylum in...

Shattered Ground: Digging Into the Issues of Fracking

Zoot Pictures ZP0000

Hydraulic Fracturing or "Fracking" is a new technology that has opened up immense resources of...

Shift Series

Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF007

SHIFT is a documentary series featuring storytellers Sean Horlor and Steve Adams as they take a...

Singapour, île modèle ou île fragile ?

ARTE France F259-S10-82

La minuscule île-État d’Asie Pacifique a connu un développement économique miraculeux à tel...

Sisters in Arms

Le Cinquième Rêve A196-032

In Greta Thunberg's wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At...

SKY GODS: The Price of Our Love of Flying

Sarah Robertson ABP002

Powered flight is one of the greatest of all human achievements, and international cooperation has...

Social Justice - Racial Inequality, BLM, Systemic Racism, LGBTQ...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0120

Learn all about social justice.  What is the history and significance of the Black Lives Matter...

Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0118

It is important that students develop an interest and keen understanding of history and geography...

Sommets: dans les coulisses des négociations européennes

Beliane F242-S01

Sommets est un récit documentaire exclusif en deux parties dans l'intimité des négociations des...

Sous la loi de talibans

ARTE France F196-049

Kaboul est tombée. La ville, et le pays (hormis le réduit du Panshir) sont aux mains des...

Speaking the Hard Truths and Getting Heard - Franke James: The...

Paper Tiger PT0061

This episode of The Green Interview features Franke James, a rabble-rousing artist, author, and...

Species and Ecosystem Conservation/Environmental...

Aarrow Productions AP0010

Species and Ecosystem Conservation/Environmental Sustainability/Organic Farming: The Nk'mip Desert...

Spillover- Zika, Ebola & Beyond

PBS Video 041851

In 2015, Brazilian health officials were caught by surprise when they discovered that Zika, a...

Stanley Love: The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0023

Stanley Love is a planetary scientist with a PhD in astronomy from the University of Washington. In...

State of the State Department: Great Decisions 2019 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV08

Diplomats have been described as the “first line of defense” for the United States to ensure...

Struggles Over the Melting Arctic: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV65

U.S. President Donald Trump left many scratching their heads when it was rumored that he was...

Student Activism - Making Your Voice Heard: Social Studies Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0193

Learn all about student activism and how young people can make a difference in society and the...

Sumatra and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1428

In Sumatra we follow Joakim when he tries to find out what impact the palm oil industry has on both...

Summits: In the Secrets of European Negotiations Series

Beliane A242-S01

Summits is an exclusive two-part documentary series that takes us behind closed doors of the...

Sur le fil de Zika

Grand Angle Productions F173-040

Zika, ce petit mot plutôt sympathique est le nom d’une forêt en Ouganda, où le virus du même...

Surviving the Cold War - USA: Native Planet Series - The Fight...

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0775

Simon travels across Arizona, Utah and New Mexico to see why the United States Environmental...

Sœurs de combat

Le Cinquième Rêve F196-051

Dans le sillage de Greta Thunberg, un combat est engagé et porté depuis quelques mois par la...

Tanzania, Greece and Uganda: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1427

In Greece we learn about how knowledge and inclusion has led to successful conservation and what...

Teaching the Life of Music

Filmblanc Inc. FILM01

Inspired by a man with a vision, Teaching the Life of Music, tells us the story of Maestro Jose...

The Babushkas of Chernobyl (52 Minute Version)

Video Project, Inc. TVP053


The Babushkas of Chernobyl (72 Minute Version)

Video Project, Inc. TVP054


The Bomb and Us, the Atomic Weapon Today

J.C. Bauduret A198-004

Nuclear warhead count: Russia 7290 | United States 7000 | France 300 | China 260 | United Kingdom...

The Carbon Rush (52 Minute Version)

Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE001

Hundreds of hydroelectric dams in Panama. Incinerators burning garbage in India. Biogas extracted...

The Carbon Rush (84 Minute Version)

Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE002

Hundreds of hydroelectric dams in Panama. Incinerators burning garbage in India. Biogas extracted...

The Changing Face of Iceland


This documentary special from decorated polar explorer and award-winning environmental documentary...

The Chinese Empire Part 3 - Modern World, Modern Emperors...

Pilot Productions 555038

This episode explores the period from the birth of the Chinese republic in 1911 to the civil war...

The Climate Change Denial Industry - James Hoggan: The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0032

Interview with James Hoggan, the author of Climate Cover - Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming...

The Crude Poker Game

Antipode A173-041

At the end of 2013, the price of a barrel of oil started to fall and within two years it had lost...

The E-Waste Tragedy

ARTE France, Media 3.14, Yuzu Productions A259-001

Why does three-quarters of European electronic waste escape recycling and end up illegally in...

The E-Waste Tragedy

ARTE France, Media 3.14, Yuzu Productions A259-001

Why does three-quarters of European electronic waste escape recycling and end up illegally in...

The E-Waste Tragedy

ARTE France, Media 3.14, Yuzu Productions A259-001

Why does three-quarters of European electronic waste escape recycling and end up illegally in...

The End of Globalization: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV69

As the United States enters another election season, the merits and drawbacks of globalization are...

The Food Forest Farmers

Happen Films HAP013

Syntropic farming is a new and ancient regenerative agriculture practice that can be implemented in...

The Future of Birds

Jocelyn Demers JODE01

With the loss of global biodiversity and climate change in mind, the world's best ornithologists...

The Gaia Principle - James Lovelock: The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0024

Interview with James Lovelock, the creator of the Gaia hypothesis. Lovelock's eclecticism and...

The Gene Doctors

PBS Video 041888

Every year, over a million babies are born worldwide with a hereditary disease. Most of these...

The Give Back - Milan Borjan: W5


Soccer goalkeeper and Serbian immigrant Milan Borjan has lived most of his life outside of Canada...

The Global Supply Chain - Challenges and Solutions: Social...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0121

In this high-definition program, learn all about the global supply chain and why it has been so...

The Great Disconnect

disconnected Ltd DISC00

We are living in a time that has been described as the age of loneliness. Despite Western advances...

The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0098

The Green Interview is a series of in-depth conversations with the thinkers, artists and activists...

The Health Connection, Clean Money Revolution and Socially...

Paper Tiger PT0021

Joel Solomon is a businessman, visionary, investor, philanthropist and now author of The Clean...

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