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[subject] ELL/ESL

34 title(s) found.

'A', 'An', and 'The': How to Use Articles in English: English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM004

In this English grammar episode, Paul and his student examine the rules and patterns for using the...

10 Viking Longship Facts: Vikings Series

Educational Voice 992021

This video presents 10 facts about Viking longships: 1. Viking longships were large, fast, and used...

Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992000

Aesop's Fables is a collection of tales by the Greek storyteller Aesop. Fables are a beautiful way...

Amazing Viking Facts for Kids: Vikings Series

Educational Voice 992022

This animated video is describes what Vikings wore when they sailed off in their wooden longships...

Aya Moves the Big City (Part 1): English Weirdness, Ep. 9

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM020

In this first part of a double episode, Teacher Paul helps his student overcome a communication...

Aya Moves the Big City (Part 2): English Weirdness, Ep. 10

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM021

Episode 10 is the second half of Aya Moves to the Big City (Ep. 9). It continues the investigation...

Cutting Edge Basic English Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0095

This ground-breaking Cutting Edge Basic English Series designed by psychologist Eve Ash and ESL...

Cutting Edge English at Work Series

Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0074

These 20 groundbreaking programs combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design, and...

E.B. White: Great Authors Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0036

In this program, meet E.B. White.  What were the significant events of E.B. White's life?  What...

Early Learning Songs Playlist

Educational Voice 992097PL

This fun, animated and entertaining nursery rhyme/songs series is great for building early language...

Early Literacy Playlist

Education Is A Right 992034

Includes the following: Letter b - Animated characters wander along the beach and find things...

English Weirdness Series

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM000

Learn English. Solve its mysteries. English Weirdness is a video series that explores and...

How to Use Adverbs, Adjectives, and Prepositions in English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM002

Are you confused by English prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives? Which is which? Is English...

How to Use Nouns as Adjectives, and How to Use Possessives in...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM003

Do you make false possessives? Want to use nouns as adjectives in English grammar? What is a noun...

How to Use “Be” verb in English: English Weirdness, Ep. 6

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM006

Teacher Paul and his student explore the problems that arise when students omit or drop the 'be...

Learn how to understand and use English Conditionals Grammar...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM008

Teacher Paul and his student investigate the confusing aspects of conditional syntax and semantics...

Modal (mis) Usage and the Weirdness of 'Could': English...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM001

‘Could’ vs. ‘Be Able To’: How to Use Modals in English Grammar In this episode, we...

Present Progressive vs. Simple Present Verb Tense: What is the...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM007

Teacher Paul helps a student resolve a conflict with her roommate by analyzing the grammar errors...

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Weston Woods WW2582

Based on the book by Rebecca Emberley and Ed Emberley (Roaring Brook)     While hard at work...

The Ant and the Grasshopper: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992003

One bright day in late autumn a family of Ants were bustling about in the warm sunshine, drying out...

The Ant and The Grasshopper: Let's Play a Story

Kondololé Films Inc. KON053

Mixing both live-action & animation, The Ant and the Grasshopper casts a different light on the...

The Cat and the Hens: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992004

The Cat hears that the Hen is unwell and decides to pay her a visit. She asks the Hen if there is...

The Crow and the Pitcher: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992005

In a spell of dry weather, when the Birds could find very little to drink, a thirsty Crow found a...

The Dog and the Meat: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992006

A dog found a piece of meat one day and while walking with it in his mouth near a stream, he saw...

The Donkey Laden with Salt: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992001

In this animated fable, a merchant loads his donkey with salt. At one point, the donkey falls into...

The Farmer and the Snake: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992007

Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and...

The Fox and the Crow: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992008

In this fable, a crow has found a piece of cheese and sits on a branch to eat it. A fox, wanting it...

The Golden Axe and Silver Axe: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992009

In this animated fable, the water spirit is very impressed with the woodcutter's honesty so he...

The Horns and Legs of the Deer: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992010

The Deer admires his powerful antlers in his reflection in a stream but he does not like his slim...

The Peacock and Queen Hella: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992002

In this animated Aesop's Fables, the Peacock looks tremendous but he would also like to sing like...

The Peacock and the Crane: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992011

The Peacock makes fun of the Crane's feathers, but should the Peacock be so proud of his? Students...

The Perfectly Uncanny Presence of the Past: English Weirdness...

Hard-Boiled English Media HBM005

Need English speaking practice? We all do. How to Use Present Perfect and Present Perfect...

The River and the Pond: Aesop's Fables Series

Educational Voice 992012

In this animated fable, there once was a beautiful flowing river that gurgled everyday. The nearby...

Vikings Series

Educational Voice 992020

In this animated series, kids will get an insight into the history of the Vikings and exciting...

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